Matt and Zeph are the two constant members of the band, and at various times the other band members included Jeff Turlik (Stompbox/Milligram), Dave Shield (Articles of Faith), me, George Tsiaras (Honkyball), Aaron Martinez (who was in a cool indie rock band the name of which I can't remember), Carol Lee, Roman Bolks...I'm sure I'm forgetting some people.
Chevy Heston put out three albums: Chevy Heston (1994), Destroy (1995) and Come to Sterilized (1996). Also, there was Tomorrow is the Same Thing Again, which was a combination of both Destroy and Come to Sterilized. They're all good and worth checking out. Destroy is lyrically the most disturbing album I've ever heard. Ever.
No, really. EVER.
This particular recording is something we did in Erich Thaler's loft when he lived at the Mu gallery. May of '92. It's 8 track, I think. I don't really remember, could've been 4. The players here are Matt, Zeph, Jeff and me.
Thanks for the Chevy demos, Patrick...
Wow, just stumbled on this blog doing a search for some Chevy info. Thank you very much for these demos, i am definitely looking forward to the listen. I'd like to mention also that i have never posted to a blog prior to this, and had to create an account just to do so. The reason being Chevy Heston were quite literally an incredible & profound live experience the few times i saw them. In fact, i first caught them at one of my all-time favorite shows @ the Middle East on 12/22/95 with Six Finger Satellite & Bailter Space. I had no idea who CH were, but that night sealed my love for their music. It was, however, the 2nd time i saw them that cemented in my mind the impression that no other live act even came close, the music was demented and brilliant at once, i loved it. The night was 1/11/97 @ Ratskeller (RIP), and the nite sticks in my mind for another reason as well: i was prior to the show hanging out around the corner on Lansdowne at some billiard club, can't recall the name, and i kid you not, i managed to get the attention of one of those young & lithe smoking hot women most only dream of. Seriously, it was a "sure thing" and she was wanting to head back to my place, giving me not-so-subtle hints of what to expect. I asked her to hang out some more and catch this show at Ratskeller, but she was not interested. Dilemma: i had this hot girl sure thing in one hand, and Chevy Heston live in the other! Well, i split the chick and headed to Ratskeller, getting there just in time. It was a stunning set, i'd give anything to have a recording. Was it worth giving up the hot chick? I don't know man, but i sure think about it from time to time. Damn...
Thanks mate. I was at one of those post-tour Rat shows with Roman on bass, crashing into the guys from Jocobono.
I missed last years reunion show with Al Crockett on bass. :-(
Great Demo - thanks for sharing.
I googled Chevy Heston recently because i was listening to 2 tracks from "Destroy" E.P that Carol Lee gave me years ago while we were on Hotline file sharing.
I like this sound.
Thanks if you have news on her - maybe everyone has a myspace these days and continuing on doing demos or else.
Thanks for posting this.
Is there any Chevy Heston on vinyl?
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